For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

For a person to say they have nothing to do, would be a waste of words!
We believe in serving our community through outreach missions. The most truthful statement ever made was "A little bit of love goes a long long way!"
If we don't reach out, who will?

Volunteer Leaders

Mike and Bridget Mize

This wonderful couple heads up every Outreach Mission that goes forth from this church! The job couldn't be complete without their commitment to the Kingdom!


This wonderful couple heads up our PB&J Ministry! Through their selfless dedication, we are able to give out 200-250 sack lunches to kids and families in need every time we hit the streets! Without them, this wouldn't be possible!

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

If you are interested in getting hands on and becoming apart of our team, please let us know!

Questions about volunteering?

We love to clarify volunteering requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.